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How to recycle my Asus laptop battery?

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Recycling Options for Laptop Batteries

Reading time: 2 minutes

What are laptop batteries made of?

To understand the importance of battery recycling, let’s find out what comprises a laptop battery. Asus laptop batteries are typically made of lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells. Li-ion batteries are widely used in laptops and other electronic devices because they offer a high energy density, low self-discharge rate, and a long cycle life. They are also considered more environmentally friendly than other types of batteries, as they do not contain heavy metals such as lead or mercury. Like any electronic component, batteries have a lifespan; their internal components deteriorate over time. A standard lithium-ion battery will last around 300-500 charge cycles. To maximize the lifespan of your battery, we recommend reading this article discussing how to charge your device properly.

ROG Battery

Why is it important to recycle laptop batteries

Although li-ion batteries do not contain heavy metals like lead or mercury, they can still be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. When these batteries are not recycled, they can end up in landfills, where they can leak these chemicals into the soil and water, causing pollution and potential health hazards. Recycling also helps to conserve natural resources. Extracting new materials to make new batteries is resource-intensive, so recycling existing materials is a more sustainable solution. Additionally, recycling laptop batteries allows for the valuable metals and materials to be recovered and reused, which can help reduce the demand for new materials and decrease the environmental impact of mining and refining new resources. Finally, recycling laptop batteries also helps to reduce the amount of electronic waste (e-waste) which is becoming a major issue worldwide. E-waste is a rapidly growing problem due to the constant demand for new technology and the rapid pace at which electronics become outdated.

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Recycling Laptop Batteries: A Guide

When it is time for a new laptop battery, here are some steps you can take to ensure your old battery is properly recycled. We will discuss how to find a battery recycling program, prepare the battery for recycling, follow proper disposal guidelines, and consider reusing the battery before recycling it.

  1. Find a battery recycling program: Many retailers, including electronics stores and big-box stores, offer battery recycling programs. Check with your local stores to see if they participate in a recycling program, or look for a recycling program through a national retailer. Asus is also licensee of the program Call2Recycle; you can call toll-free 1-877-723-1297 to locate your nearest recycling site.
  2. Prepare the battery for recycling: Before you recycle your battery, make sure to remove it from your laptop and store it in a safe place. It is important to not puncture or damage the battery as it can be dangerous.
  3. Follow proper disposal guidelines: Many laptop batteries contain toxic materials and should be handled with care. Make sure to follow the specific disposal guidelines provided by the recycling program or facility.
  4. Consider reusing the battery: If your laptop battery still holds a charge, consider reusing it before recycling it. You can also consider donating it to someone who could use it, or look for a refurbishing program.

Importance of recycling

By recycling your laptop battery, you can help reduce electronic waste and preserve natural resources. Additionally, recycling your battery can help prevent toxic materials from entering the environment. Remember to always follow proper disposal guidelines and consider reusing the battery before recycling it. Discover new Asus laptop batteries on our site, as well as a full range of 100% original spare parts for Asus laptops.