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Asus' Efforts to Combat E-Waste and Promote Sustainability

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Asus fights against e-waste

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What is e-waste?

E-waste, also known as electronic waste, refers to any discarded electrical or electronic devices. These devices can include computers, smartphones, televisions, and household appliances like refrigerators. The largest portion of e-waste typically consists of small electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops as these devices are commonly used and replaced frequently. With the increasing amount of technology being used in everyday life, the amount of e-waste being generated is also on the rise. According to a report by the United Nations, the world generated 44.7 million metric tons of e-waste in 2016, and by 2021 this amount had increased to over 50 million metric tons. E-waste is a significant environmental concern because it contains toxic materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium that can harm the environment and human health if not properly disposed of. Often, e-waste is burned to dispose of it and to allow precious metals like copper to be recovered from the discarded electronics, however, the burning of e-waste can release harmful pollutants into the air, which can cause respiratory problems for people living nearby. Additionally, many developing countries where e-waste is exported have inadequate regulations to protect workers and communities from the hazardous materials.

How Asus is combating e-waste

small electronic e-waste

Asus has always been a leader in sustainability; the company has implemented a number of initiatives to promote sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impact of their products. For example, they offer free recycling for Asus products, design products that are easy to disassemble and recycle, and use eco-friendly materials in their products. Additionally, Asus has implemented a sustainable procurement policy to ensure that the materials used in their products are sourced from environmentally responsible suppliers. One of the most effective ways to reduce e-waste is to keep our devices for a longer period of time. Instead of upgrading to the latest model every year, we can extend the life of our devices by repairing them or upgrading them. Asus Accessories offers all replacement parts and components to repair your devices so you can keep them as long as possible. This not only saves you money, but also helps keep waste out of circulation. We provide resources to help clients repair their Asus devices such as videos and informative articles. By purchasing Asus products, you are guaranteed a product that has been designed to last and also be repaired easily.

Can I recycle my obsolete device?

Recycle your electronics

Yes! Electronics recycling is another important way to reduce e-waste. Many communities now have electronic recycling programs that accept old electronics for proper disposal. These programs ensure that toxic materials in e-waste are properly handled and recycled. Consumers can also check with manufacturers to see if they have any recycling programs in place. Asus is aso licensee of the program Call2Recycle; you can call toll-free 1-877-723-1297 to locate your nearest recycling site. To learn more, discover our article on how to recycle your Asus laptop battery.

In conclusion, e-waste is a growing problem that poses a significant environmental threat. Companies like Asus are taking steps to reduce the environmental impact of their products, but it is also important for consumers to do their part to limit e-waste. By keeping our devices for a longer period of time, purchasing products that have a longer lifespan, and properly disposing of our e-waste through electronics recycling, we can all play a role in reducing the amount of e-waste in the world.